5 Tips Pengelolaan Gudang Produktif

For a warehouse manager, it is undeniable that many processes are involved in handling a product, starting from when the product is received, counted, stored until it is shipped. Thus, an inefficient way of working at any step not only affects the efficiency of the entire process, but also causes...

Praktik Manajemen Pergudangan

In essence, managing a warehouse is more than just temporarily storing client products in an empty room and keeping the space clean at all times, because warehouse management is a long process consisting of sequential series of activities, which needs to be carried out ideally using efficient practices. For some...

3 Masalah Logistik Utama dan Solusinya

For MSMEs, digital-based businesses, and even large companies, running a business in this uncertain industry and era is a challenge in itself. Because in addition to the difficulty of winning the hearts of consumers with creative marketing, a business actor also needs to take care of expenses that arise, generally...