Effective Warehouse Retrieval Strategies

Warehouse goods management is an important process in warehouse management, one of them is the process of taking goods. The process of picking up goods is something that is often underestimated, in fact this activity has an effect on fulfilling customer requests.

Retrieval of goods needs to be done quickly, if done slowly it can cause dissatisfaction with customers. There are several things that hinder the process of picking up goods in a warehouse, namely the placement of goods that are not strategic, the wrong method of picking up goods and others.

This article will discuss several strategies that can be applied to speed up the process of picking up goods in warehouses thereby increasing productivity and customer satisfaction.

Basically, there are 3 main strategies in the process of taking goods which consist of:

1. Picker to Goods

The strategy for taking goods by means of warehouse workers walking to pick up products. In the Picker to Goods strategy there are several ways that are usually done:

2. Pick to Order

Is the most common way to do. Warehouse workers will walk to the shelves where products are placed specifically when an order comes in. This method will reduce the handling process, because goods only move from the storage point to the delivery point with only one handling.

3. Batch Picking

Taking goods in large quantities for several orders at the same time, then the staff places goods based on the order. This method is effective in terms of time and distance for picking up goods by staff.

4. Zone Picking

The method of picking up goods by staff is based on the placement zone. Generally, goods will be placed in a warehouse based on several zones. Officers will be positioned specifically based on zones. By way of zone picking, retrieving goods from the warehouse will be faster because they are done simultaneously.

5. Wave Picking

The system for picking up goods is based on a certain schedule and time, such as departure time, type of transportation or change of work shifts for warehouse staff. Collecting goods in this way needs to be double-checked to ensure the product code and the amount taken.

6. Cluster Picking

Retrieval of goods carried out at one time, and placed in a different place. This method can be applied to business people who use goods collection based on order numbers or sales orders.

7. Good to Pickers

Good to Picker is picking up goods that is carried out by the system, so that the goods will arrive immediately according to where the staff made the request. This method of picking reduces time so that it becomes more effective and the selection of goods is made faster and more orderly. Officers also don’t need to walk around the warehouse area to pick up goods, because everything has been done by the system. The use of this method can also improve the accuracy of ordering and picking up goods, as well as reducing the footprint of officers in the warehouse system.

8. Automated Picking

Just as the name suggests, this collection of goods is done with an automated system such as a special machine, robot or other application. Of course, this system increases the effectiveness, productivity and accuracy, but it requires larger funds for manufacture and maintenance. This method will be very appropriate when used in warehouse operations to meet high volume needs. Not only that, automated picking can also operate a full day without stopping.

Based on the explanation of the above methods, the effectiveness of picking up goods in the warehouse will increase based on the placement of goods, ease of access to reach these goods, as well as information on the placement of goods. Not only that, but also determine the decision strategy and the supporting software used. Gudang2go has supporting software that can increase the effectiveness of picking up goods in the warehouse. You can try it by visiting the website www.gudang2go.com

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