5 Tips for Productive Warehouse Management

For a warehouse manager, it is undeniable that many processes are involved in handling a product, starting from when the product is received, counted, stored until it is shipped. Thus, an inefficient way of working at any step not only affects the efficiency of the entire process, but also causes losses in terms of administration, time and sales.

So, what can a warehouse manager do to be more productive?

1. Starting from the layout

Spatial planning is the first step that does not cost money but has a big impact. Ensure that each shelf and product is located in a position that:

a. Easily accessible by warehouse or machine employees, in order to speed up the process of storage, transfer while reducing errors or confusion caused by irregular placement of goods.

b. Have a clear traffic flow. Make sure that the movement of people or machines is not disturbed by the irregular location of the shelves to speed up the product transportation process.

2. Use vertical shelves that are labeled

By using vertical racks or pallets instead of horizontal ones, you can maximize the area of ​​your warehouse so it can accommodate more. Not only that, label each product and shelf and register them both in your system. This is important so that you can track the location of a particular product and its quantity in seconds, and immediately prepare for delivery whenever needed.

3. Perform data collection in real-time

From the stage of receiving the product to the stage of its delivery, it is necessary to record every movement in real-time to reduce miscalculations or loss of goods due to human carelessness. In order to save time and also simplify this process, the warehouse manager can also use an automated inventory system that will record every inventory update in your warehouse.

4. Periodic training for warehouse employees

Warehouse employees who have been trained will be faster in helping you manage inventory. An indication that your employees are smart is when these employees can also represent you in training new employees.

However, it is also a good idea to conduct regular training so that even old employees are reminded of important procedures that cannot be missed.

5. Work with a warehouse management company

Now, there are several companies that can completely help you manage your warehouse, from A to Z. An example is Gudang2Go. In order to maximize productivity, Gudang2Go can recommend the most efficient layout, arrange labels on products and shelves, collect data using the Warehouse Management System software which has been equipped with an optimization process to enable multi-warehouse management, and also provide trained employees, thereby appointing almost all the burden you carry as a warehouse manager.

Not only that, as an online marketplace specifically for warehousing, Gudang2Go will also connect you with business people from all over Indonesia, who are looking for warehouses in the vicinity of their buyers’ locations. Thus, you too can #majubersamagudang2go and enjoy additional income more easily.

Those are 5 quick tips you can do to not only make your warehouse management more productive but also earn extra income over time.

To learn more about the implementation of these five tips, please contact the Gudang2Go team via Whatsapp at: 0812-100-00881.

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