Kelola bisnis Anda dengan teknologi yang memudahkan! Gudang2Go menawarkan solusi end-to-end, dari STO hingga manajemen sumber daya, untuk memperkuat efisiensi, menekan biaya, dan meminimalkan risiko.
Gudang2Go offers a Digital Supply Chain Solution to help businesses scale up. Our comprehensive package includes, Cloud-Based Systems and End-to-End Solutions covering strategy, system, and sourcing to boost your supply chain, reduce expenses, and minimize risks.
Moreover, Gudang2Go’s ecosystem connects all stakeholders, providing access to strategic manpower sourcing, suppliers, warehouse fulfillment, transportation, data distributors, and stores. It also offers market insight data, e-commerce management, socio-commerce, digital ads management, and strategic operation assistance.
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Jl.Puri Lingkar dalam Blok t8, jakarta barat 11610
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