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The increasingly of economic development with adequate technology has made every business person vying to market their products to the public through various media. Business people market their products to win a competitive market.
Marketing products can be referred to as advertising, advertising is a message conveyed to the general public with the aim of providing information regarding a product on a particular media platform. Generally advertising is persuasive, so that the audience is interested in the information conveyed and ends up buying the product.
In making advertisements, the media is one of the important things to consider. Now that advertising media has developed, business people can take advantage of print, electronic, alternative media, to social media that provide ad settings such as on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and others.
Not only that, making advertisements a strategy is also needed. So that the ad runs optimally in accordance with the objectives achieved. Here are some tips in determining the strategy for creating ads:
1. Determine the concept of the ad that will be made
2. Determine the audience you want to target
3. Select the media to use
4. Select the goal you want to achieve from the ad
5. Find out when is the right time to run ads
6. Adjust to the budget
In business, advertisements that are created can give a long-term impression of products with the right target, increase audience awareness of the product, and influence the audience’s behavior to buy the product being marketed. Therefore, advertisements must be made brief, informative, effective and of course creative.
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