The Use of Warehouse Management System in Running Warehouse Operations

Running a business engaged in the provision and rental of storage services, is not just giving customers free space to use and then just finishing it up. More than that, businesses in this industry have many components that are interconnected and affect one another. In maximizing service to customers, the warehousing business industry usually utilizes software systems that are used to carry out operations as the main selling point. This software system is often referred to as a Warehouse Management System. You can get further discussion about the Warehouse Management System on this article page.

Warehouse Management System is a software that is used to carry out a series of operational processes in a warehouse so that it is faster, practical and efficient. The main goal of WMS is to control every series of processes from storage, movement of inventory in and out, put away, packing, picking, shipping, to supply chain prediction. WMS is used to achieve production accuracy and efficiency so that the product reaches the customer on time.

Warehouse Management System is often associated with Supply Chain Management (SCM). Basically WMS is part of SCM, but SCM has a wider scope of work. SCM’s scope of work includes the distribution of materials by distributors, the production process by manufacturers, to the distribution of finished products to retailers and final customers. Meanwhile, WMS focuses more on the movement of inventory in the warehouse. However, if all operational processes that occur in the warehouse are hampered, it will affect the smooth running of the supply chain process.

In the implementation process, the Warehouse Management System works based on several concepts. The first concept is FIFO (First In First Out), which means the goods that enter the warehouse first will also come out first. The second concept, FEFO (First Expired First Out) which means goods that expire faster must be issued first. The second concept is usually applied to food products, medicines, beverages and the like. The last concept is LIFO (Last In Last Out), which means that goods that enter first must come out first. These concepts can work with the features of the WMS in the form of a barcode scanner. Along with the development of the digital era, the WMS feature is now also equipped with email, multi-location racking, and inventory tracking.

In conclusion, the Warehouse Management System is a tool that can help stock management become more effective and efficient. It will be easier if you use a cloud-based WMS owned by Gudang2go to apply to your business. Because besides being able to manage stock, Gudang2go is also able to provide multi-location supply chain predictions for your business.

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