3 Main Logistics Issues and Their Solutions

For MSMEs, digital-based businesses, and even large companies, running a business in this uncertain industry and era is a challenge in itself.

Because in addition to the difficulty of winning the hearts of consumers with creative marketing, a business actor also needs to take care of expenses that arise, generally due to expensive logistics costs, unstable buyer interest that disrupts business finances, and time costs due to systems that are not integrated and automated.

Let’s review these three issues together and find a solution that works for you.

1. High logistics costs

According to Eddy Kwan, the CEO of Gudang2Go, logistics is indeed one aspect of a business that costs a lot, because it consists of several elements at once, such as the cost of renting a building, human resources, security systems, to management software which is not cheap. However, you no longer need to worry about these additional costs if you work with a warehousing marketplace that can act as your partner in finding a warehouse to rent, with various contract terms and transparent prices.

Not only that, warehouses registered on online marketplaces such as Gudang2Go are also equipped with trained human resources, so you only need to send your product to the warehouse (inbound process) and focus more on the marketing and sales aspects of your product, without being burdened by costs. – inflated logistics costs.

2. Unstable buyer interest

Buyer interest is like the waves in the sea – sometimes high, sometimes low. For a business actor, in the midst of this uncertainty, there are fixed costs that still need to be covered every month, regardless of the business conditions. One of these costs is logistics costs.

Owning or operating your own warehouse will certainly present consistent costs as above. And for business actors who work with third-party warehouse companies (3rd Party Logistics), there are contract costs that must also be paid for at least one or two years, which is also a significant amount.

The middle way that you can take is to work with a warehouse marketplace that allows you to browse dozens of warehouse options from all over Indonesia, which have various sizes and also offer various contract terms (starting from 1 month). Thus, you can enjoy a warehouse area that is in accordance with the number of goods you have, flexibly increase or decrease the number of warehouses that you rent to suit the amount of interest and uncertain business financial conditions.

In other words, this will turn fixed logistics costs into variable costs that you can manage in proportion to business conditions.

3. Inconsistent system

If you work with several third-party warehousing companies (3rd Party Logistics) at the same time to reach various regions in Indonesia, it is only natural that the management system differs from one warehouse to another, so that the data or reports drawn are inconsistent and difficult to combine or analyze. in real-time. You may also face more complex difficulties if you rent several vacant warehouses at once and have to implement a consolidated system from scratch – this is something that requires time, effort and costs that you could otherwise allocate to other aspects of the business.

What if you work with warehouses that already have a ready-to-use consolidated system? You will certainly save costs, time and effort, right? This solution is a benefit that you can experience by collaborating with a professional warehousing marketplace.

Professional marketplaces such as Gudang2Go have aligned each registered warehouse with the same and connected Warehouse Management System (WMS).

So, you can rent several warehouses separately, and still use a system that is connected to each of these warehouses, so you can monitor real-time conditions and inventory in several warehouses at once (multi-warehouse management) through the online dashboard provided by the Gudang2Go team.

Thus, you feel like operating several warehouses simultaneously in a matter of minutes, right?

4. 3 Challenges, 1 Solution

This is how the three big issues above can actually be resolved with one solution, namely collaborating with the right technology-based warehousing marketplace, one of which is Gudang2Go.

The first step you can take is quite easy, namely sending a message to the Gudang2Go team’s Whatsapp at 0812-100-008-81, and then the Gudang2Go team will guide you through every step, from A-Z, so you can transform the logistics aspect of your business and #majubersamaGudang2Go.

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