Scale Up Your Business with Digital Supply Chain Ecosystems in ONE SOLUTION

Cost Saving

Strategi manajemen kami dapat mengoptimalkan pengeluaran hingga 20%

Streamline Process

Memaksimalkan Kinerja Bisnis Anda Dengan Peningkatan Hingga 30%


Platform Kami Dikembangkan Dengan Tujuan Melindungi Dari Potensi Risiko Hingga 25%


Tingkatkan Kinerja Modal Hingga 15% Dengan Digital Supply Chain Kami

business growth

Kembangkanlah Bisnis Anda Dan Tingkatkan Pertumbuhannya Hingga 10%


Gudang2Go manages shipment between distributors and stores with an integrated and transparent online logistics system

Omnichannel E-commerce

Our digital supply chain system consist of a series of apps with the aim of creating an integrated ecosystem that uses an internet platform (online) so that goods can be purchased at various e-commerce.


Our distribution platform supports Gudang2Go warehouse renters and their Principals to sell and distribute goods to store. With enhanced monitoring, we ensure effective sales calls and streamlined management of revenue and financial accounts.


Our sourcing services can assist enterprise in accessing untapped markets or strengthening potential new networks that they need to enter.


Supply manpower and raw materials for principal, while monitoring and optimizing distribution routes to promote closed-loop program to stores.


We help UMKM go national.

End-to-End Supply Chain Solution


End-to-End Solution + Strategy & Sourcing


  • Cost & Expenses
  • Reduction
  • Low Investment
  • Increase Cash In.


  • Simply Process Production, Logistic, and Sales
  • Crowd Sourced Material Raw, Makloon (Cut Make Trim), Warehouse, Transportation


  • Real Time Dashboard
  • Transparency Decision Making Analytical
  • Increase Revenue
  • Analysis Market Segment
  • Competitor and Distribution
  • KPI + BCS + Risk Management


  • Spreaded out in the
    Blue Ocean
  • Distributor, O2O Stores
  • E-Commerce, Webstore
  • Social Commerce
  • D2C Appstore
  • Partnership
  • Loyalty Program
  • CRM


  • Consolidation Supply Chain Multilayer
  • Controlled Many Alternatives Distribution Routing
  • Partnership
  • Forecasting
  • Optimizing Distribution Automatic Routing and Task
  • Run by AI


Gudang2Go addresses the challenges faced by businesses in the digital era, highlighting the need for flexibility in scaling operations based on financial, managerial, and consumer demand. As experts in the digital supply chain, we identified this problem and founded Gudang2go in 2022 to provide a solution.

Gudang2go is one of the largest on-demand digital supply chains in Indonesia, connecting and providing solutions for digital businesses, Small and Medium Enterprises, and established companies facing obstacles in the digital business ecosystem. Our secure and integrated network serves product and FMCG management needs.

We ensure your products go through a safe and speedy integration process, with transparent recording from the source of the goods (online or offline stores), to the logistics involved, storage location, and even the third-party responsible for preparing your order. Your order is delivered promptly and in good condition, allowing you to enjoy your products with satisfaction.

Gudang2go is more than just a warehouse and logistic partners for brand distribution. We also provide valuable contributions to enhance the digital supply chain, enabling companies to scale up beyond their expectations.

With a presence of warehouse chain as hub and spoke supply chain spread out in 20 major cities and over 100 districts, Gudang2go is dedicated to helping businesses thrive in the digital era.